29 June 2012

neon - yes or no?

To me - yes, but in a moderation. I especially like it in combination with beige and brown....What about you do you wear it or have it at home?
all photos from here

26 June 2012

if I was getting married .....9.

It seems to me that I have been wearing blue breton stripes all my life, and even the nautical theme might not be so in at the moment I love the idea of getting married by the sea, honeymooning on a boat and having everything sort of  a bit old and classy. If only I wasn't sick on a boat after 10 minutes:)

all images from here. ( + diy napkins - martha stewart)

25 June 2012

little feet from LA

Untitled UntitledUntitled Untitled
Toady I'm loving this cool couple with their great place and a small baby ....full story here.

paul haslam

I have been thinking about painting our kitchen for a while now. And seeing kitchens from Paul Haslam persuaded me even more. Love their attention to a detail and choice of showroom as well. What a great place to work or visit...

you are my favourite

Hello there! how was your weekend? We went to Natural History and Science Museum on Saturday. It was very very busy. Highlights - I went up to the moon in Apollo and refreshed my head in Hyde park..

Couple weeks ago I bought cards from this lady and they were absolutely fabulous. Highly recommend her Etsy shop....

22 June 2012

how to peel garlic in 10 sec and links for the weekend

I love his face when he shakes the bowl :). I'm definitely trying this soon...and if you do, let me know if it worked for you.
I have been trying to catch up this week on loads of work from two previous weeks, got some sort of flue, which wiped me out for couple of days, but I'm feeling much better now. This weekend will be slow one, no visits, no parties or excessive drinking or eating. Perhaps trip to a seaside or museum, read a book and think about life...

Couple links for your weekend:

have a good one!


Or you can even make something like this....pink or yellow ombre pom pom would be delicious as well....
promise done with paper decorations and the word pom pom for now....

21 June 2012

how to make pom poms

UntitledDSC_0028I promised you last week I show you how to make pom poms. Incredibly easy and effective. I have been using them for almost three years now, birthday parties, child's rooms and every time people ask how I made them and say how much they like it. They are just really pretty...

20 June 2012

travelling with babies on your own

I'm over at Emma's blog - The Marion House Book, talking about travelling with babies. And yes if she tells me to skip through duty free zone with her, I do it. I prefer happy baby to screaming one at the airport. Luckily she is now at that age when she prefers to smell the perfumes....

17 June 2012

if I was getting married ... 8.

This time in romantic summer countryside....
all photos from here

and Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

15 June 2012

have a great weekend

I mentioned Herriott Grace few times now. This film is so worth watching. Made me think a lot about my current life and work choices. Very beautiful.

couple more things to read:

I wish I write down these

and you should never worry about past and disappointments

just for you

These pictures have been so popular lately and I love creating them. I realised actually how little I pay attention to some songs and how beautiful some lyrics are. A lot of them are first wedding dance lyrics, all sorts of love songs and there have been some very unusual choices as well. The other option for this picture is a poem or wedding vows. The other day we had the sweetest ever poem written by a husband to his future wife. I would love to be there when she received it...
The picture comes in 3 different backgrounds, two colours frame choices and 4 different fonts. Delivery 7-10 days. Head over to our shop for more info. 

14 June 2012

homemade popsicles

Last week I made strawberry yogurt popsicles for the party. It was so busy and so much was happening I forgot to take them out the freezer. So just had two for my breakfast. I saw few receipts around blogs and on pinterest so decided to have a go myself. I usually can't be bothered with measuring things so I just mixed everything together. I mashed strawberries, added greek yogurt, sugar, freshly squeezed lime juice (only little bit), and to make it  a bit more creamier added coconut milk (tiny bit a again). For 10 of them I used whole pot of yogurt. When it comes to sugar, strawberries and milk just add bit by bit to your taste, to make either more fruity or creamy. I also made couple of them only yogurt mixed with peach jam. yummy. 
photos and styling by me

13 June 2012


Some photos from Design Sponge I liked lately. Beige paradise.
Photos from these home tours: this one, this one, and this one. 

12 June 2012

orange dress

I feel like I'm slowly becoming British and talk about weather all the time. But how awful! It's middle of June and it's cold and rainy, I saw people wearing boots and winter coats today. Just so....whatever..
So in that really grey and depressing mood and weather I love to find images like this. I saw the first photo a while ago and loved it straight away. I'm not into orange that much but who wouldn't love that dress? I certainly do. And they look so happy, relaxed...and cool. But let's not ruin a nice evening with my moaning. have a good one!...The full wedding story over here. 

And have you noticed my new design? thank you so much Ana from Blog Milk.

11 June 2012

party time

On Saturday Anya had a quite big birthday party. Initially we invited few people but in the end everyone turned up and we had at one point 21 children and 40 adults in the house. A. had amazing time with all her friends. We booked a kids entertainer, which was great with that amount of children, ate lovely food, and even the weather was perfect. We made the pompoms last week together and I think I might keep them there for a bit. So optimistic. She got a t-shirt from Bob & Blossom with number 4, which she proudly wore in the morning before changing into a party frog. She was given some fantastic presents from her friends and I bought her this really cute handmade bear. She now calls it Cliffi. 

she is 4 today

Anya was born at 3.30am 4 years ago and she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

8 June 2012

hectic week

Yes it's been a very hectic week, loads of work, new projects, A. on school holidays, theatre, nice dinner, late working nights...
We are having a big party at the weekend so I leave you with these images from a wonderful photographer Kristin Perers.  Please head over to her portfolio, real gem of eclectic, "non styled" images. 
Have a lovely weekend!
and this short film is so nice from Herriot Grace....

6 June 2012

you are the best dad

In gold. Handmade letterpress card available here or here. 

for the love of sport

Or shall I say for the love for my man I created couple months ago this poster. Unfortunately M. can't play rugby anymore due to an injury but its still his passion or shall I say obsession? So as football and cricket....I get annoyed with him so much checking scores on his phone while I try to have conversation with him. But hey I have this space, pinterest, flickr etc. and spend probably much more time reading others people blogs. 
The poster comes in five colours and you can chose rugby, football, cricket and golf.  I chose witty and famous quotes from each chosen sport. The quotes used are from famous names of sport, literature and entertainment including : Mark Twain, Dean Martin, Elizabeth Taylor, Oscar Wilde, Bobby Charlton, Richard Harris, William Wordsworth, Richard Burton, Nick Hornby and many more...
We have been selling them only here with international delivery included. Wouldn't that be good Father's Day present?