

30 October 2009

After a short trip to my parents and leaving my little daughter with them :(missing her badly already..) we are home just for one day and leaving to NY tomorrow morning. I haven't packed yet....panic... We coming back next week but I'm only stopping in London for about 8 hours and then leaving to my parents again. I'm not big fan of flying and 6 flights in two weeks is more then enough for me. Not sure how much I'm going to be posting next couple of weeks so if you stopping by and looking for some inspiration :

Sweet fine day - Brooklyn based designer recording her family life...beautiful pictures, and how gorgeous are her girls? I love the blog...
Hei Astrid - Norwegian cool lady...check out her flickr and house as well! :)
and almost forgot ...thank you Little Riley for writing about sarah & bendrix..:)

and have a great weekend everyone...........................................................

sorry...but I don't like big televisions...


26 October 2009

In this Belgium apartment the owner had this sliding screen made to uncover either bookcase or TV. Genius....What about you ? Do you mind TV's on display? and how big is your one :) ? ........

image elle deco

light locations


25 October 2009

This site is an eye candy for anyone who likes interiors. Most of the houses or apartments have been featured in magazines, a lot of them in LivingEtc. I especially like the house in Albert Street and Elmbourne Rd........click here for more
light locations.001



23 October 2009

I'm off to New York next weekend for the first time! We are already leaving on Tuesday and going to see my family for couple of days and leave my little daughter with them for a week. I'm really worried because she has never been without me :(
But weekend question for everyone! I know what I want to see there ..... BUT.. ...What should I really go to see ?????? we staying for 4 days....Have a lovely weekend everyone:)


some people are just so lucky


22 October 2009

They are. I would kill for views like this...ahh ..what about you? what views have you got ? is it important for you ?

autumn decoration


21 October 2009

When we were little kids we used to do this little autumn decoration with my mum. Today I went to the park with A. and I remembered...I used to love it. We would go out with my sister and come back with full bags of leaves and then spent the whole afternoon arranging them around the house. Although A. is only 16 mth. she was helping with the leaves and thoroughly enjoyed herself. It is incredibly simple, doesn't cost anything and very effective. And your kids might enjoy it as well:)
1. that is all you need...leaves, needle, some cotton thread or I used elastic wire, the leaves are very light so it doesn't really matter..
2. that is what you do... and then just give it a good shake outside ( this is for those who are worried of insects etc:) and attach it to some existing fittings ( poles, light fittings, blind fitting etc.)
3.4. voila !

thank you...


21 October 2009

thank you Jen from MadeByGirl for posting about my home and shop and all the lovely people who left nice comments :) read more click here.

get the scissors out !


21 October 2009

I have seen some images of paper cutting before but photos I came across this time through Chronicle books blog are amazing. If you want to see more...elsa mora's blog or Papercraft. I have to say some of the sculptures are truly magic.

another Scandinavian beauty


20 October 2009

white, white, white, the light and in this case dark wood...it doesn't need to much to say...perhaps I should stick to the white walls:)

photos Elle Deco Uk

Monday morning full of color!


18 October 2009

This is a home and beautiful items from an artist Maxine Sutton. I love her hand made accessories with Scandinavian feel, funky ideas like lavender filled spoons and crafty kits. Maxine Sutton's website , one of her interview and her wonderful home tour...

have a lovely weekend ...


16 October 2009

I am the song that sings the bird.
I am the leaf that grows the land.
I am the tide that moves the moon.
I am the stream that halts the sand.
I am the cloud that drives the storm.
I am the earth that lights the sun.
I am the fire that strikes the stone.
I am the clay that shapes the hand.
I am the word that speaks the man.
(Charles Causley)
photo via flickr by PETRONIALOCUTA

new in


16 October 2009

My favourite shop Rockett St. George. I love the cushion, cute and funky.
new company Alphabet bags.Very nice, clean and simple designed shopping bags.

another beautiful day with A.


15 October 2009

So far we had this wonderful autumn here in England. A lot of sun, beautiful colors, and hardly any rain. I remember when I first came to UK it was always raining. Now I think I hardly get my umbrella out. I love autumn colors. Especially when you can enjoy it like this..

on a wall in my kitchen


15 October 2009

my mood/ inspiration board....navy, plum, deep red, couple ideas for next projects...

simplicity...but where do you put all your things ?


13 October 2009

This Elle Decoration here in UK is all dedicated to simplicity. Here are few collages I made from my favorite images. I love it. White walls, splashes of color, clean lines, few pieces of furniture...but where do people put all their stuff? books, photos, clothes, memories...I call myself minimalist, I hate clutter, I make regular trips to charity shops, I basically declutter for the whole family. But I still find it very difficult to have everything organized in 3 bedroom house with one toddler and "part time" teenagers. I think it's just size of the house, it must be the size of the house!.....perhaps one day we can have 6 bedrooms, living room, playroom, study, tv room, utility room, second living room, library, dressing room......what else? what about you? how do you cope with your space?

little astronaut


13 October 2009

A. got her first wellington boots. Very funny. She has been walking in them in the house just to get used to them. She found it hilarious:)

simple home..


13 October 2009

Who written this book ? ...Mark and Sally Bailey, husband - and- wife team who also owns homewares brand Baileys.
About...simplicity, basics and nature in interiors. Colors inspired by nature, objects created by real hands, calm and simple living.
Just seen these pictures in last Elle Deco UK and I'm very tempted to get it, you can buy it here .

couple new items in my shop...


12 October 2009

thank you...


10 October 2009

thank you Amy from sweetsweetlife and Anita from 1richtungsblog for writing about me and Sarah & Bendrix...

pictures ...visualize



9 October 2009

Here in England has been raining all day and I feel very lazy. Sometimes I just like to spend hours and hours by my laptop looking at other people houses and today is one of them. Have a lovely weekend:) I would love to have an open fire..have you got one ?

NZ House & Garden

white or black ? or shall I say dark grey or chocolate ?


8 October 2009

Do you remember the house I featured a while ago, the one I wanted to move in to ? so this is the owner and interior designer Abigail Ahern. I absolutely love her style. I have never had the courage for dark walls. I'm pretty much every wall white girl, but I'm so tempted to get at least one black wall....what do you think? white or black ?

Abigail Ahern's blog ....and website

sarah & bedrix


7 October 2009

So this is what was keeping so busy last couple of weeks. They all now in my etsy shop. Our internet connection was down yesteraday, which was probably a good thing...caught up on some sleep and family life:) I have already some interest in my work, have been contacted by few people etc. which is great! thank you for that! I'm really pleased with what I have done and I have still more and more ideas popping in my head....I just need 48 hour-days! Please let me know what you think, any comments, ideas, advices..anything:) I will be more than grateful. More pictures on my flickr or in my etsy shop.
Have a lovely day...



5 October 2009

one word EXHAUSTION....more tomorrow:)

weekend inspiration


2 October 2009


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