advent calender ideas


29 November 2009

I love these advent calendar ideas. Simple, easy to do and original. On the last photo they use desk calender pages, why not do it differently and start by putting up one every day , so the tree slowly fills up ?
advent c.advent c.
1.mayalu 2.apfelbaum 3.crl!4. ideal home mag. 5. elle decoration uk

my little daughter


25 November 2009

Yesterday we went with my friend Audrey to National Portrait Gallery. Not sure how much Anya appreciated the pictures:), she thought it was one big playground and kept running around. Here you can see where she was walking fast (pict.1) and then running fast (pic.2)! We also made one little shopping trip to MUJI (Anya was sleeping by then) and bought some Christmas presents. They have lovely wooden toys and games this year, for both children and adults but I can't tell case someone's reading...:)
Yesterday was a theory and today the real Art Day!
I have been really busy with my pictures last couple of weeks( thank you Not On The High Street) and I haven't spent as much time with Anya as I would want to. So last couple of days was little Anya.

one dress = three outfits


24 November 2009

Isabelle from Dos Family got married two years ago and made these dresses for herself and her daughter from an outfit she bought in a vintage shop (the dress cost her around $100). And now after a while, little tutu from the leftovers. I so love it!!
It brings a lot of my memories and my sister would tell you few...I used to sew and customize my own clothes a lot, especially when I was a teenager. I made miniskirts from my old granddads coats lining, bags from jumpers, necklaces from rusty old keys...and the speed I was making the outfits in! Friday evenings ( just before my dates or parties) was my favourite time for this :)



24 November 2009

Last night I finally watched Coco (before Chanel) with Audrey Tautou ( she is one of my favourite) and I really liked it. French surroundings, costumes, music and Audrey was just perfect for cold autumn evening. Have you seen the film ? did you like it ?

t-shirts with stories


23 November 2009

have you heard of iloveboxie ?



22 November 2009

This is a very interesting project of School of Art and Design In Nottingham Trent University. They make lovely 100% Merino lambswool items. Hats, gloves, notebooks, cushions and scarves. To read more click here. To buy their stuff click here.


lobster & swan


20 November 2009

Just wanted to share a blog, I enjoy reading lately. more here. Have a lovely weekend:)

Christmas project 1.


18 November 2009

For next four weeks I will be randomly posting great Christmas ideas. Easy, affordable...basically things you can do yourself, look good and cost next to nothing. For this one all you need : Five pins, ribbon, pegs and voila ! Christmas inspiration
inspiration from Livingetc.

in my shop now


17 November 2009

sarah & bendrix

gap interiors


17 November 2009

I think my favourite is the one with the big bookcase. Or the white one with a stove and Bestlite lights ? hmmm...which one is yours?
gap interiors
gap interiorsgap interiors
gap interiors
to see more click here .

tea towel cushions


16 November 2009

While ago I made this cushion from an Eye Chart tea towel. Recently I saw nice printed tea towels and I'm thinking about making another one again. It's very cheap option, especially if you want to change only the cushion cover and you don't need the inside. I really like the idea of Calendar tea towel. Calender on a cushion ? You can even customize it and circle important dates.......what do you think ?
tea towel cushiontea towel cushion

tea towel cushion

london shops


12 November 2009

One of my favourite shop in London is Liberty. It feels little bit like old neighbours house, filled with treasures and surprises. Little dark rooms, old wooden floorboards, galleries, tiny windows and feel of luxury, tradition and style.
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I blogged about this lamp a while ago.
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Other home furnishing shops I like to go to are General Trading Company in Sloane Sq, Pedlars ( in Notting Hill) and Graham and Green (Kings Road).
This autumn/winter season is all about comfort, home, heritage and tradition.
Tartan, velvet, distressed leather, reds, deep purple and blue. Everywhere you look are English flags and Keep Calm and Carry On posters, mugs, cushions...These are couple photo collages I created influenced by this mood...
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images 1,2,3 mine, 4.5.6. mixture from Toast, Cox & Cox and John Lewis


anthropologie in london


11 November 2009

Today I went to couple of my favorite shops and also to new Anthropologie. I especially liked the work of visuals and designers. The front window has display from used tea bags, it looks fantastic, such a great idea, and one wall which runs through all three floors is covered with real plants. The shop is big, feels very spacious and airy, full of lovely stuff and I will be certainly coming back.
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photos by me

living with children


11 November 2009

We are back home and I'm back to blogging. I found this house on Hus & Hem. I'm always fascinated by family homes and I love to look at the colour combinations, details, storage ideas, use of space and people who live there. As we have three kids I'm especially attracted to the houses with children, their playrooms and bedrooms. I love this home, looks like a happy place to live. If you understand Swedish ( unfortunately I can't :( you can read more in here. Have a great day!
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our trip


8 November 2009

New much to see and do...We stayed over Halloween weekend which was fantastic. Unfortunately I didn't have enough memory space in my camera to make photos of all the crazy costumes and people. My camera was packed with photos from Empire State Building and couldn't really delete those..It is great city and I would love to go back and see more. We spent most of our time on Manhattan and four days isn't really enough for everything you want to do. Retail therapy, galleries, sightseeing....But I'm glad we were able to do it and it wouldn't be possible without huge help of my sister and parents...So thank you very much! :). And I don't think I could be more days without my little girl...I didn't see her for a week and she suddenly looks so grown up. We are now staying with my parents in heart of Europe for next couple of days.....and going home to huge pile of work later in this week.


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photos by me

mes petites curiosites


6 November 2009

My best friend Audrey has just started her blog. She is a very talented artist and I can´t wait to see more treasures coming out from her cupboards and lofts.... mes petites curiosites


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