Happy Holidays everyone !!!
and if you like browsing photos here are some of my recent flickr favourites. Have a lovely time wherever you are and whoever you with... See you later xx
My creation

1. Pink and Green, 2. Untitled, 3. Maudie, 4. Little collection, 5. Selina Lake - Christmas Plates, 6. cookie chompers the third, 7. -, 8. misty mornings., 9. Untitled, 10. Quién falta? Who's missing?, 11. masterbedroom4, 12. MoMA, 13. Untitled, 14. Lollie legs in colors, 15. Study: Guest bed, 16. Untitled, 17. Park Slope harvest fair, 18. Untitled, 19. grumpy, 20. Sugar Pop., 21. Symphony in Sepia, 22. p.s., 23. Love Coco, 24. christmas..., 25. Le manège enchanté - the magic roundabout

Created with fd's Flickr Toys

this weekend I have been


19 December 2009

Recharging batteries, playing in snow, watching Love Actually on TV, being lazy...feels great...what about you? are you slowing down? how do (did) you spend(t) your pre-Christmas weekend?

holidays almost there !


15 December 2009

I have been finishing last pre-Christmas orders with Anya's help who Loves bubble wrap !! We also started to put decorations around the house and I'm getting all excited! Only 8 days and my family is coming over. Can't wait!
all photos by me

we had a great day


12 December 2009

We went to Borough Market and Tate Modern in London. I really wanted to see this exhibition but we did admire the donation box and escalators instead..for very very long time. It was good fun anyway. What about you? have you been to any exhibition recently?

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pictures by me

the winner


12 December 2009

The winner of the giveaway is number
Amy. Congratulation! Thank you everyone for your lovely commets. Thank you very much!

hugh stewart


11 December 2009

I saw some of these photos on decor8 and they took me to hugh stewarts website. I especially like his portrait section (sorry I couldn't download any of those) Go have a look, wonderful light....and today is the last day for my giveaway...have a great day!
hugh stewart

hugh stewart

etsy presents...for me ? ..please...


9 December 2009



9 December 2009

I'm slowly getting into Christmas mood, so far I haven't had a chance to decorate the house and I only have a few presents. I have been surrounded by boxes, frames and paper for last couple of weeks and my List of To Do Things is was getting longer and longer. Today I finally caught up on some orders, tidied boxes, cupboards and myself :) and starting to feel all Christmasy. I love writing lists. I write lists of ideas, orders, shopping lists, to do lists, urgent lists, wish lists. I find it very therapeutic...crossing the lines, list is getting smaller, writing another list....Do you write lists? and how long is your one at the moment??:)
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for some reason I put number 2. instead of 1., but if you like these little houses have a look here
and for you to create....orange and mandarin decoration which I found on Blomsterverkstad
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the rest of the photos from here and here
So what about those lists? and how about you and Christmas ? are you organized this year? Have a lovely day and don't forget about giveaway..

snuggle up and read


7 December 2009

I have been more then busy last couple of weeks and running out of time and space in our house......I'd love to escape to this beautiful room and just snuggle up and read, relax, sleep...hmmm



3 December 2009

I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been following my blog, thank you for your comments and kind words. It means a lot to me and I do really appreciate it. Also like to celebrate my new website... So here is a little gift from me. It could be a lovely little Christmas present. To enter Giveaway, just leave a comment on this post before next Friday midnight( London time) Friday (11.12.).
I will randomly chose and announce the winner on Saturday (12.12.) Everyone from everywhere is invited. Have a great weekend !
Scottie Dog Noughts & Crosses wooden table game from Japanese store MUJI

creative little people


2 December 2009

I was reading sweetsweetlife (thanks Amy) the other day and came across Moomah. What a wonderful place to go to. I felt truly inspired. They have art classes for children and adults, cafe, little shop..what else: lovely decor, meeting point for people, inspiration, happy creative children...I feel really jealous. I' love to have place like this in my neighbourhood.home-main-image-5
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And also what a great idea..you can create something like this
as well here☛ check this out.
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2 December 2009

Have you heard of lutterlagkage? This lady is one of my first contacts on flickr and I love going back and browse photos of her shop and home. Stine Holm Weirsoe is an interesting Danish owner of this gorgeous shop ( lutterlagkage) in Malmo, Sweden. Vintage, handmade, colourful, bright and happy.......have a look at her photostream on flickr and website. ...and also her interview on decor8.
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winter walks


1 December 2009

I love winter walks. When is crispy, cold, sunny and fresh. We are very lucky as we live only five minutes from a large park and Anya loves going for walks and meeting people. She has a quite wide vocabulary for her age but at the moment one of her favourite world is 'cuddle'. So we cuddled everyone today...little boys, big dogs, old ladies....:)
oh, and thank you tenthings and once upon a tea the time for blogging about me and s&b.

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