I'm slowly getting into Christmas mood, so far I haven't had a chance to decorate the house and I only have a few presents. I have been surrounded by boxes, frames and paper for last couple of weeks and my List of To Do Things is was getting longer and longer. Today I finally caught up on some orders, tidied boxes, cupboards and myself :) and starting to feel all Christmasy. I love writing lists. I write lists of ideas, orders, shopping lists, to do lists, urgent lists, wish lists. I find it very therapeutic...crossing the lines, list is getting smaller, writing another list....Do you write lists? and how long is your one at the moment??:)

for some reason I put number 2. instead of 1., but if you like these little houses have a look

and for you to create....orange and mandarin decoration which I found on
the rest of the photos from
here and
here So what about those lists? and how about you and Christmas ? are you organized this year? Have a lovely day and don't forget about