bright French


29 January 2010

I could almost copy a post from Frau Heuberg I read yesterday. Thank you very much! a lot of inspiration! I discovered Olivelse and spent quite a while on their blog (trying to use my pure French, how bad forgot everything..:(.)They have a little shop, selling toys, bags, kids furniture, bedding..very very nice. The blog is full of beautiful photos, ideas, colours. Have a look!
I also came across wonderful shop UGUiSU, anyone addicted to paper products ? coloured masking tapes ? sis...remember all those trips to paper/craft shops when we were little?:)
Have a lovely weekend everyone!

more cupboards ...


28 January 2010

I seriously needed some space for my work so after hours and hours of thinking we decided to create a working space for me in our kitchen/dining room. It gives me a lot of working space, storage (still not enough, but much, much better then before), and a lot of day light. As we are planning to build, hopefully a large extension into to a loft next year, this space is temporary, therefore I didn't want to spent a lot of money. I'm very familiar with Ikea ( worked for them for bit), I think I know all their catalogue names (joking), so I chose to use their kitchen cabinets as a base, and kitchen worktop.

How to do it:
If you ever decide to do something similar:
Use Faktum kitchen cabinets- Faktum frames and then you can choose different front doors. I bought Applad white.
Type of the cabinets - above fridge/freezer. These cabinets (above fridger/freezer) are perfect high ( together with supporting legs- stainless steel Capita) and depth. The normal kitchen base cabinets are too high, and wall cabinets too shallow.
If you don't need that much working space, you can use for the base, wall cabinets as well ( they are only 37cm to normal 60 cm depth) and cut the depth of the work top or Besta bookcase cabinets are great too and have drawer option as well. I wanted solid oak worktop, but it is temporary solution, so I bought oak veneer ( I think is Gimmon, can't find it on website..Solid wooden top, but it's hollow, so cheaper. I had to use two, they don't do long enough).
Too late to make day photos so couple night ones.
I've just ordered new chair for myself, can't wait:) and also need to buy some lampshades. Not sure what colour...I have one , but it is little bit tired, and ideally two matching ones would be nice. When is all finished next week I will post some more pictures, promise:)

have a look at this! :):) found on minor details
and one more thing...Thank you again Mrs. French! ( very much)..

busy busy busy


27 January 2010

I'm still here and feeling much better, thank you all for nice comments:) but busy busy busy ..again. Trip to Ikea, building cupboards (again), cutting hearts...I will post some pictures of my new house project tomorrow..and thank you Amy and Holly for etsy takes five tuesdays.

this week...


22 January 2010

I have been working on my website, taking hundreds and hundreds photos, editing, making orders, doing housework, going to playgroups and now feeling ill. Stayed in bed today almost all day with tissues and hot lemon tea. Hope you are all right and have a lovely weekend everyone!
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photos me - sarah & bendrix

Ropes, boats & kissing animals


22 January 2010

Tree climbers, stone skimmers, wasp dodgers. Enjoyer of the great outdoors. Great colours, funky design, and clever ideas. Anorak . Love the 'Kissing Animals' collection.

the arthouse


18 January 2010

Today I visited Top Drawer and I have seen a lot of interesting products and designs. But one stood out more then the others. The Arthouse is a non profit centre where the majority of artists have severe epilepsy or learning difficulties.To reduce epileptic seizures , it is important the brain is occupied and interested. So they try to do it here through screen printing, painting and drawing. In their own words: " The inspirational work our artist produce is insight into a different way of seeing the world. The freedom of expression and uninhibited mark making makes for very desirable, engaging and honest artwork that has both humour and warmth and inspire us all. We aim to develop pride and self worth for all involved."
They also have a little online shop where you can buy their products. All profit goes back to the charity. I personally love the crocodile t-shirt, people print, the queen t-shirt , captain peanut t-shirt...I'm definitely buying some :)
See you later...

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hey darling put the kettle on!


15 January 2010

That's how it looks in our home every morning. Hubby is preparing tea and I'm having lazy morning in honestly:)
All products and pictures are little baby company.
We have an interesting weekend a head of us. My step son is 16! and we are hosting his birthday party. So for us preparing, shopping, cleaning...
...and if you fancy little diy/craft project this weekend, here is one I really like: Chakra P. Tutorial: Words As Art. on poppytalk, and please think of me tomorrow night when we fight over alcohol allowance....:) have a lovely weekend everyone!

cable & cotton


14 January 2010

they say:
You choose the colours you like using our special ‘pick and mix’ selector – pick 20 or 35 balls depending on the length of cable you have selected then check out. Or you can choose from our pre-selected light combinations.We think they make a great and unique gift for someone special or a little treat for yourself. The lights are really versatile and can be used in a number of ways – put them around a mirror, an indoor plant or tree, in a redundant fireplace, in a vase….. the possibilities are limitless!
I say :
love it
and there is also special offer where you get 25% off with the code launch until 30th January.

creative world of emma cassi


13 January 2010

Emma Cassi is a French stylist living in London and apart from working on magazine and product styling she creates lovely jewellery and also have very very nice home. It has been featured many times before, but in case you haven't met her... her blog , shop and home tour on design sponge ....go have a look and let me know what you think !
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inspiration on paper


10 January 2010

I'm a magazine junkie running out of space.
Every month,
once a month,
my favourite images,
printed on paper,
from books and magazines.

white ? or white


9 January 2010

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I had a little bit more time the last couple of weeks so I was able to catch up with some stuff around the house and cross off a few lines on my list. We had been given this birch wardrobe a while ago same as the rocking horse and my plan was to paint or wallpaper them. I had quite a few ideas for the wardrobe (as usual), the same wallpaper all over, different wallpapers for each draw etc...In the end I surprisingly painted both white. How original:)...I figured with white cot, tiny room and with my obsession for changing and moving things this is the easiest option. I have never been a pink girl and before A. was born our house and previous flats were beige, white and black. Same as my clothes. I used to live in black, now I wear it rarely. Colours slowly crept into my life and house.
I had a lot of questions and emails about this room lately so here are some answers:
wardrobe - old ikea (discontinued product), cot- ikea, bedding - mamas & papas, throw- laura ashley, rocking horse- gift, tree- dwell studio, wings- pedlars, pictures- me (sarah & bendrix), felt birds- me. room size - 4.4sqm (tiny)
Have a great weekend!

You look lovely today


7 January 2010

I've recently purchased postcards from Keep Calm Gallery and I put them around the house today. I bought set of 12 - Be Optimistic and set of 3: You look lovely today, You are my sunshine and You are the best! So I walk around the house and feel great! Honestly it helps:) This is on our landing. Selection of photographs, drawing from my friend Audrey, charity shop finds and of course my Girl With The Pearl...
They also have this new print - Rubens Rounding Third by Matthew Rose, which I really like...
keep calm gallery

more cards and prints here...
Have a great day!

snow! snow! snow!


6 January 2010

it's quite unusual in England so everything stops, kids don't go to school, trains are not running, people are panicking. I'm from Czech and we used to snow so it amazes me every time, but in a nice way. What about you? Is it snowing, raining or the sun shining where you live?
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and there is me in the middle....:)

182 hearts in the box and big thank you


6 January 2010

I just wanted to thank mrs.french from bliss. And those comments made my day:). Thanks everyone.

amazing colours...


5 January 2010

Home of Lisa Congdon, an artist and illustrator, living in San Francisco brings smile on my face. Lovely art displays and those colours...What a ceiling! I'd love to have a courage for this. More of Lisa's home tour, her blog and new and very inspiring project A collection a Day 2010. Enjoy.



this Christmas


3 January 2010

I had long lazy breakfasts with family...
warm evenings with candles, presents, wine and family...
walks ...with family...
days out ...with family...
It was great to stop for couple of weeks, forget about work, internet (almost:) and spent time with my parents, sister and her boyfriend. I got wonderful presents, some absolutely amazing! drank a lot, slept a lot a liked it a lot..I feel very positive about this year. Can't wait for all the adventures and great things. Bring it on 2010 ! what about you? did you have a good Christmas ?

real homes with real poeple


3 January 2010

i lay my head and wish to stay is new Swedish inspiration on my bloggroll. I will be back tomorrow with after Christmas update. See you:) have a great day!


Happy New Year everyone!


2 January 2010

and thank you houzz for featuring our home and for lovely comments:)
happy new year

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