30 September 2010

I have been spending a lot of time lately over at trendland. From beautiful advertising campaigns from 
Boysen Paint, to white on white photos from Jelte Janmaat to instant spray clothing, fashion, interiors, design...great stuff! and that instant spray clothing will be on sale from next year, a can for about $15, you can wash it and wear again! new generation, very futuristic. What do you think? head over for more inspiration....
Picture 13Picture 14Picture 10Picture 12Picture 11Picture 9pacific-paint-ad-jellyfish-600x457

Swedish monochrome


27 September 2010

Do you remember 5 or 6 years ago Ikea catalogues were full of beach wood and red and blue walls? ..These days is black and white. Trend which I don't mind at all.  And this blog is no exception. Full of beautiful photos from Anna Malin and if you like the cushion on last photo as much as  I do have a look how it was made here. 
IMG_5686IMG_6898 xIMG_6423 xIMG_6464 x



27 September 2010

one more giveaway from Sarah & Bendrix. Head over to BRIGHT SIDE PROJECT!

readymade giveaway


24 September 2010

tell me your favourite song and one of these can be yours! enter  giveaway at ready made (ends 30th, US residents only)

readymade giveawayP1100481P1100457

beautiful hideaway


23 September 2010

when I saw that house I thought to myself I could live there, very easily...simple, grey, calm with wonderful views. After few more clicks I discovered more beautiful places and more dream homes. One of those websites where you can hide for ages. all images holze via purple area 
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inspiration around


21 September 2010

follow the links and find out more....
Barley House, private ceramic installation...there is also a video about this creation...great stuff
everyone loved this house, that yellow sofa, that black bedroom...but there is this interesting story about magazine styling and wonderful living
get up and get inspired over at Recovering Lazyholic
beautiful soft Melbourne home - I say - like:)....

sarah & bendrix is 1


16 September 2010

Yesterday it was exactly a year since I open my Etsy shop. I didn't know what I was doing for a good couple of months, finding my way, lacking of confidence but very excited. Today I still feel excited, still finding my way, have a little bit more confidence and I enjoy every minute of it. It's like my second child. There are days when I'm really tired, work late nights, frustrated with time, lack of space and myself. But it was a good decision and I'm very thankful to my husband, whose has been huge support and lately to two great ladies, whose been helping me. And of course BIG thank you to all customers:) And to my little A. that she still loves me even I don't have that much time for her as before. This week I'm felling very inspired, new opportunities and ideas possibly ahead. Have a nice inspiring weekend wherever you are!

things organized neatly


15 September 2010

Picture 2
have you seen this great tumblr ?

fabric alphabet


14 September 2010

These fabric letters from Zara Home have little hooks as well so you can hang them separately on little pins or wire. I put them on a wall in A.s bedroom just using a glue gun. The painted wallpaper in there (which I normally hate) proved to be quite good as is thick and the glue didn't damaged it. When putting on the wall in frantic pace I had to stop for a minute and think what's first if Q or R. Shame on me. Back to school I say.
A. loves it. If you have time this can be a very good and cheap DIY project. You can buy precut MDF or cardboard letters and covered them with remnants of fabric or different bits of paper. Have a great day!

the best of czech design 3. and maxim velcovsky


13 September 2010

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maxim velcovsky is a one of the Czech Republic leading modern artists. Most of his work is in porcelain and you might have seen his 'Little Joseph' candlelight's or wellington boot vase before. He also designs and redesigns places including a church. What do you think? I personally really like 'pure cup' and a bowl in a shape of Czech Republic.

better then better


8 September 2010

so much inspiration, perfection, what a place...I might change some of the artwork....:) via trendland

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