14 September 2010

fabric alphabet

These fabric letters from Zara Home have little hooks as well so you can hang them separately on little pins or wire. I put them on a wall in A.s bedroom just using a glue gun. The painted wallpaper in there (which I normally hate) proved to be quite good as is thick and the glue didn't damaged it. When putting on the wall in frantic pace I had to stop for a minute and think what's first if Q or R. Shame on me. Back to school I say.
A. loves it. If you have time this can be a very good and cheap DIY project. You can buy precut MDF or cardboard letters and covered them with remnants of fabric or different bits of paper. Have a great day!


  1. seriously cutest thing - i'm LOVEN this for my Niece's room! - thanks for sharing! - just found you from Delightful Blogs .. hope u can come by and join my blog too!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. These are great. I think I'd like some letters like this for my girl's room.

  3. oooh little A.! Love the letters, they look great! i miss zara home...

  4. LOVE it! and the pom poms are so cute! I just did some for my upcoming picnic wedding!

  5. How gorgeous! What a lucky little girl you've got there:)

  6. What a lovely room! A. is a lucky little girl.

  7. thank you everyone...if you see how tiny is the room:)

  8. I love this idea! It's perfect for a kid's room!
