pretty things


30 June 2011

couple new favourite shops on etsy
Picture 15
harlex- beautiful personalised leather goods
Picture 16
not tuesday -  simple and chunky necklaces .. sweet
Picture 17
diver- just like the thought of using all these little bits for jewelry or artwork...



30 June 2011

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I know summer only started but aren't these great for little girls? seed

a new idea


29 June 2011

This afternoon: me upstairs, my daughter Anya (just turned 3) downstairs. I can suddenly hear a lot of noise. I come downstairs and...
Me: what are you doing?
A: I just wanted to get that bus from the shelf..( pointing at a wooden bus on a shelf, which is now completetely broken, screws of the wall etc.)
Me: how did you do that?
A: ..?
Me:'s broken now...
A: I know, what about if we take scissors and paper and make a new one?
... Great thinking Anya, I think that might help :):):)...I love her so much..

merchant & mills


28 June 2011

I have always loved fashion and I have a bit on and off relationship, sometimes my interest gets closer to obcession sometimes very much like "can't be bothered, fed up attitude". After I finished my college I was able to hand sew a winter coat and I did really enjoy sewing a lot. Now unfortunately with no time ( bit of laziness as well) I don't sew at all. But this shop makes me want to start again. Beautifully executed, simple patterns, cute packaging...great stuff -  merchant & mills
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a bit of colour for your weekend


24 June 2011

have a good one!
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all images from here

karen barbe


24 June 2011

I found this lady here last week and fell in love with her site. She is a textile designer based in Chile and one of those truly creative and inspirational people. Her blog won't disappoint you. 
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secret from the stylist


23 June 2011

I was really excited when Emily Henderson contacted me couple of weeks ago. And now I'm very happy when I read this article and even more that one of my pictures will be on her show (on Us TV)! ..the full article about etsy artists here
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blue valentine


23 June 2011

Have you seen Blue Valentine? I loved it, and the soundtrack as well. Perhaps just don't watch it if you are about to get married....



22 June 2011

Just couple favourites from design sponge. The first photo is so optimistic, and I do really like the pink carpet, although probably in my house. Yes I know not very adventurous...
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from here



22 June 2011

Introductory offer on all new posters for one week at my Etsy shop .

let's have a party


20 June 2011

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beautiful children's party kits from monkey choo

happy weekend


17 June 2011

all images green wedding shoes

tiger in a jar


16 June 2011

There is so many lovely videos around, and I have to say I enjoy and spend a lot of time watching them. This one from tiger in a jar, is another fantastic cooking one, I love the light, feel, all the little details, like melting chocolate and little drawers with flour...They have done some great videos, I like this one and this one as well...happy watching

found here

diy cake toppers


16 June 2011

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aren't they just sweet? Rachel painted these for her wedding cake...
from here

around the house


15 June 2011

Since we finished loft extension in winter I have been redecorating slowly the whole house. A lot of things was temporary and after 4 years of living here I feel I finally know how certain rooms and spaces work, what it's too big, small, dark or boring for certain room. So this week I almost finished decorating A.s bedroom. Her room is very tiny, as they called them in Uk "box room". She had this large wardrobe which was far too big, half empty, and made the room even smaller. I bought dark wood chest of drawers on Ebay, wallpapered one wall, put blackout blind and linen curtains up, couple hooks on a wall. I would like to change a light and put couple little bits around but I'm very happy so far. By the way A. got trampoline for her birthday and she has not been doing anything else since then...makes her very tired in the evening:)

sarah & bendrix aussi


14 June 2011

Last week I told you about our new posters, which are now available in the shop. I started this project with my French friend Audrey couple of months ago and we call it sarah & bendrix Aussi ( aussi = "too" in French). There are 4 posters - 2  in French ( Non Je Ne Regrette Rien and La Vie en Rose ) 2 -  in English ( Kiss Slowly and You Are Simply Amazing). We both have our favourites but the one we are most proud of is - Non Je Ne Regrette Rien. This posters is printed on matt, sort of silky matt paper and we used gold foil for some of the letters. I love the effect, like a box of dark chocolate. All posters are printed on 250gsm paper and stamped embossed. Unlike my other items (personalised pictures) we would like to sell these wholesale as well, so please do contact us if you are interested. We think this one would be perfect for couples, this and this one would be great for your man and this one for  anyone who loves life. ( I already put it in A.s bedroom).....

interior inspiration


13 June 2011

I love work of trine thorsten a lot. There is so many lovely details...

old brand new


13 June 2011

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such a nice blog, I especially like their weekend jukebox like this one

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