our advent calendar


29 November 2011

DSC_0026advent calendaradvent calendaradvent calendar
Over the weekend I finished this advent calendar mainly for Anya, who is 3, but also for my two step sons when they come to stay with us. Every envelope contains 3 chocolate coins plus small surprise for A. Stickers, beads, hair clips, crayons etc. I can't wait for her to start opening it. Boys are already 13 & 17 and although they didn't want to miss the chocolate, Christmas is not such a big deal for them anymore. But Anya loves it. We wrote a letter and drew a picture for Father Christmas yesterday, left it  by fireplace last night and to her surprise it wasn't there this morning! It's all getting exciting again through her little eyes...



28 November 2011

 beautiful website, music, products...sukima

photos : interior, kitten, under water, pink flowers

did you have a nice weekend?


27 November 2011

Screen shot 2011-11-27 at 17.11.56
photos: chunky knit, interior:elle deco, book art, drinks

love this...


26 November 2011

found here

happy weekend


25 November 2011

dirty pirate popsicles ( mnam) , marilynstripy roomhazelnut chocolate pudding from sweet paul

few links for you:

back to gold theme, how fun are these huge cubes?

music business cards, stunning...

lovely tea packaging...

nanaimo bars...looks so yummy

simple + very pretty christmas ornaments

this bridge

book which looks very tempting

beautiful short film

+ this song 

...have a nice relaxing early wintery weekend!

and don't forget about sale in our shop...

etsy shopping


25 November 2011

clutch , silver necklaceblack diamont ringpink + gold ring
A few items I liked on Etsy recently....

thank you + 15%


24 November 2011

Seems like a good weekend to say thank you! to all of you, my readers, followers and customers.  Thank you for leaving notes and comments, sending sweet emails, buying my products, reading my posts and just being out there. 

So this weekend everything in the shop will be 15% off. The only thing you have to do is to apply this coupon code: THANKYOU before check out and your item will be discounted. Offer starts today Thursday 24 and ends Monday midnight 28th November. 

Happy Thanksgiving....

photos baby photo, little stars - pinktutu,  nurserylittle stars - beige,  bear, road sign interior

Dickens & Christmas


23 November 2011

I have added a few originals to my shop.  They would be great Christmas presents and you can guarantee no one else will have the same gift. There is 6 pictures: 

1+2. What Christmas Is as We Grow Older - by Charles Dickens
3. The Holly Tree by Charles Dickens
4. Definition Of Sport - antique encyclopaedia
5. The Rules Of Ice Hockey- antique encyclopaedia
6. The Rules Of Soccer- antique encyclopaedia

They are all originals created from antique books, over twenty layers of history and love in one picture.

Info: ready to ship - DHL Express - 4 days. to buy here

my 3.5 years old


23 November 2011

daughter is definitely fed up with my crafty ideas and riding scooter around the living room:) week of staying home with her mum, no friends, being tired and ill, hurray back to school! let's see if it lasts her another 18 years:)

at home with scott morrison


22 November 2011

to read here

advent calendar


22 November 2011

Are you making one of these this year? There is so many lovely variations .... I love the idea of giving a book for every day....( the red long photo)
all images from here

grass + hot pink


21 November 2011

I spent most of the last 4 days at home surrounded by boxes of tissues, drinking lemon tea and I had a lot of time to think. I planned things for next year, for my shop, gathered ideas and thoughts. There will be few items discontinued in next couple of months. So just a quick note if you are thinking of buying these, hurry up! They won't be available soon. And two of them will be these: 
Little Hearts in Grass - small + large size
Love Hearts in Hot Pink - small + large size
at the moment they are still available in my shop

photos: little hearts -grass , save the date, hotel restaurant, green dress, blue wall room, love hearts in hot pink, neon bride, hot pink pants

have you done any holiday shopping yet?


21 November 2011

It's about time if you are planning to get something special, custom or handmade. I just seen these two holiday guides and there is loads of inspiration, some great stuff...
Gifted by creaturecomforts and Emily Henderson's Holiday Gift Guide...Enjoy!

it's cold outside...


20 November 2011

Felt like a first winter weekend...listen to this....
photos: face , poster, horse, twig - taken by me this morning in our garden....

have a great weekend!


18 November 2011

This year I have been extremely well organised (in my terms) when it comes to Christmas preparation. I took these photos in late August, and some of these have been used as Christmas postcards, which I add to every order in my shop. Enjoy bright pre - Christmas inspiration. 

couple links for you :

you know I love little films and this one...I wish I could take something like this when we went there last week

another beautiful site for foodies

good cause and lovely design

unique holiday mobile

gorgeous magazine with kiddies stuff

have a good one!

photos styled & taken by me

white + yellow


17 November 2011

if you have time...


17 November 2011

have a look at these videos...the first one about murmuration....( click on the photo)

and the second about Afganistan...( click on the photo)

have a good morning!



16 November 2011

I love anything gold lately. Combination with dark brown, grey, black  and white .... beauty. What about you? are you a gold - silver girl?  

just so beautiful


15 November 2011

click on the photo to watch...
and on completely different note these two insane guys, ahh makes me tense just watching it...

little stone


15 November 2011

Little Hearts
photos : 1. Little Hearts Stone - to buy here 2. photos from here 3. here 4. here

life in pink


15 November 2011

la vie en rose
photos from :  1. la vie en rose posters - to buy here 2.  here 3. here 4. here

DIY Pallet dining table


14 November 2011

Well finished DIY dining table. Even the "artwork" looks great! Found  here. Loads of similar ideas + great visual display ideas for shop owners or exhibition stands etc. 



13 November 2011

New York


11 November 2011


We had a great time, got back couple of days ago, very tired and jet lagged but full of fantastic memories. We travelled with a few friends ( one of them was her :) and her husband. M. and him run NY marathon on Sunday and as our friend said ( it was his first one) it's better then 10 motivational days. The support was fantastic, very uplifting and loud. I was taking loads of videos, so if time allows I will try to make my NY video. We stayed in Chelsea and I took tips from this book and from Cup of Joe NY guide. I especially loved these restaurants (Freemans , Co.) Well done to M. who is a huge dreamer and achiever and huge thank you to my parents who came to look after Anya for the whole week. See you next time NY. 

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