copy - inspiration - what do you think?


31 January 2012

After an email yesterday I found another person who is very much copying/ taking a lot of inspiration from my work. If you are not in a mood for this don't worry see you another time with more optimistic mood, but if you have couple of minutes please follow these links: 

+  my shop/work - started doing these pictures back in 2009

1. number 1- started 2011

2. number  2 - started 2010

3. number 3 - started 2011

4. number 4 - started 2011

5. number 5 - started 2010

6. number 6 - started 2010

7. number 7 - have even similar coloured logo:) - update - the owner of the shop took down their listings and changed logo since this post... what do you think? I have had emails in past about some of these from my customers and let it go, as it just made me feel worse dealing with it then better. But today I have been thinking about  it  and I'm simply I do understand the word is becoming very small with internet and all inspiration around us, and we all look at the same blogs, websites etc. But you just don't get the exactly same idea, in my case personalised hearts with initials, dates etc, half stuck hearts, hearts from books, in row of 7x6....

So apart from ventilating this on my personal blog I won't do anything else I just hope...they step on a lego one point ( and nothing personal)....

photo from here

if there is no chocolate in heaven....


31 January 2012

I'm not going...:) aren't these great? design+photos - Formelle Design
I watched Drive yesterday, liked it a lot. Oh Ryan Gosling:)

little cute mokkasin


30 January 2012

Very happy we have a new stock list for our poster. Do you remember I posted these great photos just before we went to NY in November? What a happy coincidence when Sofia contacted me after Christmas about having our poster in her shop. And the poster seems to be very popular as they all already prebooked:)... Sofia has a great style, and her blog and home is prove of it...and how sweet is the name of her shop? .....little cute mokkasin

BIG thank you to Emma who mentioned our letterpress cards yesterday..

friday 27.1.12


27 January 2012

photos : black sofa, black wall, dandelion, bed+wooden wall, view, table, black kitchen, wooden bowl,  sleeping girl, loft, quote, bookcase, sofa, couple, bed

few links:

add a note to a toast

some day I would love to dance like this:)

I will definitely be doing this with my daughter

whiskey barrel flooring

this beautiful store in San Francisco

Bonpoint summer 2012 video....lovely clothes, note how all children are so different, some very confident, some almost running to be finished, and the blond boy:) he is almost bouncing...sweet

have a great weekend!

something for today....


26 January 2012

and the second one for anyone like me, I spent a lot of time doing sport when I was a child but lately find hard to motivate myself, just a reminder how wonderful sport can be...

what is your favourite song ?


25 January 2012

Hello there! Can you help me? I'm working on new stuff for the shop which involves "your favourite song" or " your favourite song lyrics" and I need some suggestions...this can be anything in English and no longer then 200 words. Thank you! and have a good day:)
photo from here



24 January 2012

myrica bergqvist
myrica bergqvistmyrica bergqvistmyrica bergqvistmyrica bergqvistmyrica bergqvist

old + new +white + pops of colour + loads of details + art .... perfection
all images Myrica Bergquist

new letterpress cards


23 January 2012

Because we believe that a message doesn't have to be shouted,

even a little whisper can make you smile or love.

new letterpress cardsnew letterpress cardsnew letterpress cardsnew letterpress cards
new letter presscards
This is our new project with Audrey. Letterpress cards, mostly "printed" without ink (blind embossed). All cards are printed by hand on vintage press Adana. There are Valentines/Wedding/Anniversary cards, Happy Birthday and Congratulations cards. Other cards are set of 10, 20, 30 in a box - Thank you, Merci, You are invited, or Personalised Monogram Cards. 

We love the almost invisible effect of embossing without colour and think that sometimes words with true meaning don't have to be shouted loud....
....Let us know what you think.....

to see the full range head over here

photos & styling by me

friday 20.1.


20 January 2012

photos: 1, 2+5, 3, 6, 7

Last night I was reading wedding magazines....Reverie, highly recommend, beautiful photos and very lovely Smitten....
and this engagement video is also very sweet...
have a great weekend!

for the little ones


18 January 2012

kids.036 kids.037kids.038
I came across some gorgeous kiddies stuff lately and here are some of my picks:

ever so cute childrens wear from louloueskimo ( photos - 1.2.4 )

cute little dresses from South Africa

pillows - especially this one

babiekins magazine

last time we went to NY we visited this shop which was very nice...

and I bought a dress there for A. from these people ( one of their dresses - photo 3) she loves it

and - this rabbit family - cute

have a great day!

almost invisible


17 January 2012

Just a sneak peak what we have been up to with Audrey. coming soon to the shop. 

ace hotel room 1021


16 January 2012

dana tanamachi

found here

very quiet sunday


15 January 2012

with this music

all photos from here

friday 13.1.


13 January 2012

friday 13.1.

Things I liked this week:

gorgeous 1. birthday party

unusual advert

article about Arounna from this magazine

this bird card

sweet decor for children bedroom

have you been to Iceland?

pretty ceramics from Brooklyn

this film looks like fun

all this hot chocolate...mman

lovely plates + cups

David's quote taken from Elle Deco and fishes from here

tape art


12 January 2012

pretty amazing...thank you K.

la camille


11 January 2012

la camille
too cute ... I so want that camille

3400 km apart


10 January 2012

Nicole lives in Toronto and her dad in Victoria, 3400 km apart. But together they created company called Herriott Grace. They sell beautifully crafted wooden bowls, spoons and boards. Have a look at their site... gentle styling, wonderful photography and most of all amazing story and products. 

when passion meets paper


9 January 2012

is it here yet?


6 January 2012

Summer is definitely long way, but I'm loving this new spring/summer collection from Tootsamacginty. Very pretty styling, cool clothes plus cute kids:)

Here is a few things I liked lately:

I want this place in my neighbourhood, not enough cafes like this...

shhhh my darling

great idea for a gift card

loving this black tutu, now only for £10...

village collection for kids

this blog never fails for a good read

a magazine about delicious life from Lithuania

do what you love...great short film & start for new year

have a lovely weekend!

all photos from here

sarah & bendrix update


6 January 2012

s&b update
s&b update
Thank you for being featured in Jan/Feb you&your wedding and also for mention in Swedish Elle. 

things I & others made


5 January 2012

Just before Christmas I made  few presents for my sister and mum. I wanted to try make these ribbon necklaces for a long time. I made coral coloured one for my sister and navy and yellow for my mum. We also did a tiny bracelet with A. for her best friend, which we wrapped in magic bags from Audrey and had great fun making ribbons with butterflies and stars. 

On the last photo is a Birthday Calendar  also from Audrey which you can buy here. 

photos + styling by me

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