Not sure if you remember from last summer I talked about a house we owe in one really small Czech village. It's not far from a city so it has the perfect combination. But once you there it feels like million miles away from it all. We have repaired couple more rooms this year and it slowly coming together. As any old house ( 300 years old) everything takes a lot of time, hard work and money, so it's slow process but it's wort it.
This year A. spent almost a month with my parents and I joined them for two weeks, but honestly I wish it could be there for longer. We swan in a river, played badminton in the evening and spent lot of time with family and friends. Ate well, picked berries from our garden, drank a lot of wine and beer and even was learning how to balance on a rope. I'm telling you not easy!
A. didn't miss us at all, she grew up so much in those weeks...summer holiday as it should be.
Enjoy the good weather and another summer weekend!