fun wedding video


26 May 2013

music + video


21 May 2013

Sweet song for this evening....thanks M/K.
Wonderful advertising. Hidden, clever, beautifully done. Don't you want to buy the car after this video? Love the music and scenery.

only the best for serious cooks


17 May 2013

Malle W. Trousseau Set - Complete trunkMalle W. Trousseau Set - Complete trunkMalle W. Trousseau Set - Complete trunkMalle W. Trousseau Set - Complete trunk
I first saw Malle W. Trousseau in Australia when reading some local magazine. The whole idea is perfectly executed to the last detail. Styling and packaging is superb.
I'm not a huge cook, I would love to be better and I do try and it's not bad when I have time but if I ever win the lottery I wouldn't mind to employ someone to do heathy and yummy cooking for me.
This complete trunk/set contains 43 kitchen essentials. Cutting, cooking and serving. Everything is the best quality ( quite pricey) but  I imagine it would be a wonderful gift for a stylish couple or bachelor and if I ever get married again please buy me one of those:)
There is one thing I'm really interested : how much are you influenced by packaging? do you sometimes buy products just because they look great and you like how they boxed or wrapped? I'm afraid I'm guilty.....

sponsored post - Joules


17 May 2013

A while back I was given these women's wellies . They do really optimistic boots, stripy, with flowery patters or elegant ones satin bows at the back. Sweet. Who would think I would be using my ones in May but the weather is so unpredictable and still rainy and cold that I put them on again today while doing  a bit of gardening on a late Friday afternoon. I have been sitting by the desk so much this week I needed to clear my head. I'm planning a long walk tomorrow so I might be using them again.
PS: I also fancy the yellow ones with blue stripes or their nautical jacket. All from Joules. One has never enough of rain proof clothes in UK....

photos by me

Danielle Moss Chicago home tour


16 May 2013

UntitledUntitled Untitled
I'm always very delighted to see our products in real homes. This time in Danielle Moss's home in Chicago. Her home is light, fresh and very pretty. Our posters must be very happy living there.....(if they could). 
Spot them in photo ( 3+last one) - Happiness is Made for you, Non Je Ne Regrette Rien.

trip to Iceland


12 May 2013

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Last week my parents, my sister and I went to Iceland. It was very unusual and incredibly fun experience. We purposely wanted to go without our partners just sort of "old family" like when we were kids and it felt like it. There was so much laughter, just a brilliant time. 
I have never been to Iceland before,  its an amazing place. We stayed for 3 days  in Reykjavik ( in this hotel, great location in an old port) and made trips into countryside. Unfortunately there wasn't time to see all places I planned, but still we managed to see loads and come back full of memories. 
It was cold and rainy for a bit, felt like early March, but we had couple of sunny, clear days so we were taking photos like crazy. Some places felt like landing on a moon, actually quite a lot of them, almost surreal, black lava fields everywhere you looked, steam coming out the mountains, hot lakes to bath in....hardly any trees....The grass wasn't green yet in most areas so it evoked the feeling of emptiness and contrast even more, I imagine that in summer when everything turns green it must be wonderful. 

For me this video perfectly captures the island

Truly unique country, do visit if you can.......

we are going to.....


6 May 2013

Inspired by Iceland Video from Inspired By Iceland on Vimeo.
only for a few days, my parents, my sister and me, Christmas present from my husband.  I will post on my Instagram....

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