3 June 2013

I started this blog back in the autumn of 2009 mainly documenting DIY projects around our house, writing about my family and my daughter. Maybe because of this space I also started my little business - sarah & bendrix. My life evolved massively and work which started as a little part time job is now a small business which I'm very proud of. 
I've mentioned here a few times previously that I'm not sure if I should continue this blog, what to write about and feeling overwhelmed by it all. I have been thinking about this for long and hard and decided to say bye to this space. It feels quite scary as it was a huge part of my life for the past 5 years. Also I feel very grateful for the support, help and advice I was given via this blog. So thank you all!
with our new website which we've just redesigned almost by ourselves, yeh pretty good isn't it? ( it has all the fiddly bits, like personalised products menus, boxes for almost everything you can think of and design I'm very happy with.)...back to the subject...
I decided to move this blog on our website. I love having a space where I can share my finds, tell you about our work and lives. So really it's not saying goodbye, just hopefully you will move with me?
This blog will be a bit different, I will introduce someone else as well and we will also write monthly reviews of films, TV and music. 
I can't wait, it feels like a fresh start! are you coming with me? 
.....and yes that's our William, he loves to be photographed....

fun wedding video


26 May 2013

music + video


21 May 2013

Sweet song for this evening....thanks M/K.
Wonderful advertising. Hidden, clever, beautifully done. Don't you want to buy the car after this video? Love the music and scenery.

only the best for serious cooks


17 May 2013

Malle W. Trousseau Set - Complete trunkMalle W. Trousseau Set - Complete trunkMalle W. Trousseau Set - Complete trunkMalle W. Trousseau Set - Complete trunk
I first saw Malle W. Trousseau in Australia when reading some local magazine. The whole idea is perfectly executed to the last detail. Styling and packaging is superb.
I'm not a huge cook, I would love to be better and I do try and it's not bad when I have time but if I ever win the lottery I wouldn't mind to employ someone to do heathy and yummy cooking for me.
This complete trunk/set contains 43 kitchen essentials. Cutting, cooking and serving. Everything is the best quality ( quite pricey) but  I imagine it would be a wonderful gift for a stylish couple or bachelor and if I ever get married again please buy me one of those:)
There is one thing I'm really interested : how much are you influenced by packaging? do you sometimes buy products just because they look great and you like how they boxed or wrapped? I'm afraid I'm guilty.....

sponsored post - Joules


17 May 2013

A while back I was given these women's wellies . They do really optimistic boots, stripy, with flowery patters or elegant ones satin bows at the back. Sweet. Who would think I would be using my ones in May but the weather is so unpredictable and still rainy and cold that I put them on again today while doing  a bit of gardening on a late Friday afternoon. I have been sitting by the desk so much this week I needed to clear my head. I'm planning a long walk tomorrow so I might be using them again.
PS: I also fancy the yellow ones with blue stripes or their nautical jacket. All from Joules. One has never enough of rain proof clothes in UK....

photos by me

Danielle Moss Chicago home tour


16 May 2013

UntitledUntitled Untitled
I'm always very delighted to see our products in real homes. This time in Danielle Moss's home in Chicago. Her home is light, fresh and very pretty. Our posters must be very happy living there.....(if they could). 
Spot them in photo ( 3+last one) - Happiness is Made for you, Non Je Ne Regrette Rien.

trip to Iceland


12 May 2013

DSC_0145 DSC_0832
Last week my parents, my sister and I went to Iceland. It was very unusual and incredibly fun experience. We purposely wanted to go without our partners just sort of "old family" like when we were kids and it felt like it. There was so much laughter, just a brilliant time. 
I have never been to Iceland before,  its an amazing place. We stayed for 3 days  in Reykjavik ( in this hotel, great location in an old port) and made trips into countryside. Unfortunately there wasn't time to see all places I planned, but still we managed to see loads and come back full of memories. 
It was cold and rainy for a bit, felt like early March, but we had couple of sunny, clear days so we were taking photos like crazy. Some places felt like landing on a moon, actually quite a lot of them, almost surreal, black lava fields everywhere you looked, steam coming out the mountains, hot lakes to bath in....hardly any trees....The grass wasn't green yet in most areas so it evoked the feeling of emptiness and contrast even more, I imagine that in summer when everything turns green it must be wonderful. 

For me this video perfectly captures the island

Truly unique country, do visit if you can.......

we are going to.....


6 May 2013

Inspired by Iceland Video from Inspired By Iceland on Vimeo.
only for a few days, my parents, my sister and me, Christmas present from my husband.  I will post on my Instagram....

latest styling


30 April 2013

I started styling a taking photos again. Mainly refreshing our current products and developing  a  new website, which should be much more functional and prettier....
This product is one of my favourites lately - a book with almost any text you like, we do wedding vows, poems, reading texts but most popular favourite song lyrics. We have had some really nice review and feedbacks on this product and for me personally it is the perfect gift. Thoughtful, beautifully presented and with hint of nostalgia. 
find our book framed pictures here + at the background a painting from my friend Audrey Walas

my week in 5 photos


30 April 2013

The sun has been out which is absolutely wonderful, we have been busy with starting wedding season and changing our website, I also danced quite heavily this weekend at a friends wedding and now I have a horrible cold. But all feels good and I hope for you as well?
all photos my instagram

reading for weekend


27 April 2013

Don't we all dream of having a nice brick&mortar shop filled with gorgeous things? I definitely do, and mine would be this one....full feature on The Hamlbledon Gallery via 91 magazine
Great interview with talented Rachel Hart about her creative agency
Gentle video....go and create something today....Ticket to LA: Urs Fischer on
Have a lovely weekend!

my week in 5 photos


21 April 2013

From my previous post you might have guessed I spend a lot of free time with our new kitten, William. 
He has been getting used to our house, and all of us can't stop cuddling and playing with him. 
The weather is finally nicer so tried to spend some time outside, cycling, gardening and walking. I also  wallpapered a wall in our living room with a new paper from Ferm Living , which makes the room much lighter and fun. It was very easy to put up  so I highly recommend it. I will post more photos soon. We had a few couples around for dinner last night, which was a nice end to a fairly relaxed week. I hope you had a great week(end)? 
All photos from my instagram



21 April 2013

We have a new family member, William. I love cats and wanted one for ages. So this was my birthday present. He is 9.5 weeks and so adorable.....

packed with love + instagram


6 April 2013

Sorry about being very quite around here. Between celebrating few family birthdays ( including mine - turned 35), I flew to Prague last week to drop my daughter off to my parents, she is there full two weeks of her spring break. We have done it in past, I fly with her, stay couple of days, and pick her up after a week also. It works really well, they love her to bits, she really enjoys spending time with them and it also means we have a childcare to cover her school holidays.

I always try to fit loads of things in that time, going out, extra work, DIY etc. We went to celebrate friends birthday here last night, going to theatre on Monday to see this and to rugby game! tomorrow. Please just don't be too cold....
Between all that we have been working on a new website, blog, packaging, new products, ideas. As usual there is loads of them in my head, but I try to simplify and make wise choices this time. Don't we all these days?
Here is our finished new packaging, very gentle. I love our thank you (product cards), I took inspiration from this, do you remember I featured it here a while back?

One more news - I finally (re) started Instagram ( after ages when I kept losing my password) and you can now follow my work, outings, bits of family life over there too.
my name is : veronikapollard
Let me know if you are on Instagram, I would love to have peek into your life too....

have a great week(end)

spring sale


3 April 2013

spring sale
During last weekend we reached 10 000 admires in our Etsy shop.  It's calling for a small celebration so we are offering 20% discount on all items. Head over to our shop and apply code : SPRING after you add items to your cart. Enjoy!

THE CODE IS VALID FROM 3rd April - 8th April. 

sarah & bendrix Etsy shop

Easter table setting


26 March 2013

Very simple and pretty Easter table settings from here. 

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