the devil is in the detail


28 February 2010

All in the Detail written by Caroline Clifton - Mogg, published 2009 in UK. Another coffee table book inspiration. Beautiful photos and lots of little ideas for displaying things around your house. Over 400 personal touches that make a house a home. Eye candy.
all in the detailall in the detailall in the detail

in need of sun


26 February 2010

where is spring? it has been raining and raining. The weather is just so depressive! I need sun, blooming trees, my white vests, flip flops, linen trousers, glass of wine outside, light, warmth....
<span class=<span class=
M. has got a birthday today so we off for drinks with friends and this weekend ?...Mother's day is approaching here in UK and I'm getting busier, so there will be some work and hopefully some nice weather..please:)What about you ? any plans for this weekend?
thank you very much Victoria ( I feel very flattered ) and I can't help myself, sorry...have a look at this sneak peak on design sponge, last photo.I'm sooo full of myself:)...
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
photos boden



26 February 2010

What a wonderful office. Heaven. To see more from this gorgeous home click here.

I have been tagged - 7 x about me


23 February 2010

this time by Amy....I have to tell you 7 things about myself.....
1. one of my dreams is to go to Brazil...M. wanted to take me for my 30th but I was 33th birthday on Copa Cabana might be nice.
2. I love to dance..... These days I'm very limited to jumping around our living room with Anya listing to Black Eyed Peas ( she loves them..:) and her new favourite Shakira...not at all my usual choices...but it's good fun.
3. I love blogging, and the whole thing about it... I think one point you have to decide if you want to be a diary or a magazine. I think I became a diary with pictures.
4. I love to sleep, lately not much...but A. has a new game..."sleeping".... 'dolly sleeping, Anya sleeping' and then mummy sleeping...
5. I walk. everywhere.
6. I'm a night person. In ideal world I go to bed at 1 am and get up at 10am. So I go to bed at 1 am and get up at 7am.
7. When I was 17 I had dark blue hair ...very nice...
so now the more exciting are tagged : Engracia, Audrey , Ines, Victoria and Lesley...
tell us 7 things about yourself if you want...if you don' worries...
pict.credits one...two....three...four...five

me.... and couple interesting links...


22 February 2010

on blog fame .....why are you blogging?.....
the tv is broken ....I can so relate to that last couple of months

this weekend


22 February 2010

The sun came out for a bit on Saturday, which was wonderful, I so hoped the spring is here. We went to a local park with promise of a long trip on Sunday, but the weather was awful. It has been raining and raining and raining. Never mind, I'm getting super organised here in our house and lists are getting smaller and smaller:). I went out for a dinner with M. as well, so this weekend was...great!

family living


19 February 2010

Written by Judith Wilson, photographed by Debi Treloar. One of my favourite interior design books.
family livingfamily livingfamily living
I have been doing more sorting out, organizing, decluttering, little bit of shopping and spending time with my family. This weekend is purely my little daughter and husband. I'm switching off this laptop and putting papers and scissors into a cupboard. Hopefully the weather will be nicer and we can go for a little trip ...I need fresh air desperately and I want spring!!! What are you going to do? anything nice? Enjoy your weekend everyone!



17 February 2010

do you know drika.b ? just bought a bag from her. aren't they great? her etsy shop.

inexpensive clever ideas


16 February 2010

Picture 1 : An old door found in a skip, covered with an old sheet, painted white and song lyrics wrote across it.
Picture 2: MDF boards covered with wallpaper, they can be moved around the house, when you move, make into a headboard...
some of the books on these shelves are only for display, bought in junk shops, cut in the middle, glued together, hiding electricity meter behind.
LivingEtc. Feb2010

fresh new week


15 February 2010

Hello everyone! Sorry for not being around but I just didn't want to bore you with the same old story, how busy or tired I was. After three weeks of doing night shifts, making pictures, I'm back to normal life. Over this weekend I had time to do big clear out, loads of stuff went to the loft, charity shops, shed (which is bursting) bin, ebay...Oh I love decluttering!
I'm really pleased with my new work space. I might move the photo gallery somewhere else, change the lampshades...but for now it's perfect.

I did want to say one more thing...thank you! to all my customers, not on the hight street, apartmenttherapy, petitandcutedesign, alovelyescape blog, fleuravenue, hapi-ness, iadorestyle and to all other kind people who mentioned my pictures last couple of weeks.
And what about you? how have you been?

calm living


9 February 2010

photo from here and here
here and here
and here
I love the wooden floors, black and white, dark grey walls, white on white, art and magazines on the floor, moss green, 'empty' rooms, white bed linen, calm, rest, peaceful...just what I want at the moment...

A. loves reading


6 February 2010

She climbs up and throws books down
they all flying down....
but then she picks them up...
She climbs on the sofa and covers herself with this blanket (our reading blanket:)
and reads, mostly with me, but sometimes on her own....
and reads....and reads
then sleep....

name day and jack


6 February 2010

I know, I said I won't be blogging but I so need a break! and tomorrow is my name day (7.2. Veronika in Czech Republic, where I'm originally from). Not many countries celebrate it but I think it's shame. It's like a little birthday. Every day of the year is associated with someone's name. And mine is tomorrow.
One of the presents I got today was a book from my sister. Jack's Kerouac On the Road. I first read it when I was sixteen and I still love it. This book is very special to me and also this particular one is done in the same style as the original... Kerouac typed the manuscript on what he called "the scroll":a continuous, one hundred and twenty-foot scroll of tracing paper sheets that he cut to size and taped together. The roll was typed single-spaced, without margins or paragraph breaks.......
jack on the road
thank you sis:)
have you got name day in your country?

alice in wonderland


6 February 2010

Magical world of Tim Burton in UK cinemas today. Next week ? feast for my tired eyes? and I do love Johny Depp:)...
alice in wonderland
GOT IT ALL WRONG! 5 OF MARCH!!! guess I have to wait...

today I sent my heart no.136


3 February 2010

As you might have guessed, due to lack of my posting I have been extremely busy. I know, again, but this time I'm really BUSY!. Today I sold picture 136! (started selling mid of Oct.)Big thank you to my husband, huge support and time provider, and to you all for that wonderful feedback and comments. I also read so many comments around web, about 'copying' my hearts, makes me feel quite special:)... I won't be posting for rest of the week, have a great one!

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