

31 October 2011

After a busy weekend I'm feeling very much under the weather and today wasn't the best day I have to say. I just wanted to say thank you to few blogger friends and customers which recently contacted me about people copying my personalised pictures. Initially I spent about an hour writing a post with photos about it, but it only left me more annoyed and negative so I decided not to post anything. Just maybe a tiny note for anyone who is lazier on their creative side...there is a huge difference between being inspired and just simply copying. But no more of that...
Have a great evening! and tomorrow will be a good day:)

photo 1 from here photo 3 from here

have a great weekend


28 October 2011

I can't believe October is almost gone and winter is just around the corner....We have a busy weekend ahead of us, and although it will be great to go to a party, dinner and seeing friends I feel like snuggling up on a sofa with a good book and hot chocolate. What about you? are you doing anything exciting? 

few links for your weekend:

colorful Melbourne home

beautiful photos

article about cool Jenna

Levis video


happy weekend everyone!

all photos from here

Rocket St. George


28 October 2011

Rocket St. GeorgeDSC_0330
Happy to say Rocket St. George, one of my favourite shops now stock our Non Je Ne Regrette Rien posters. Makes me really happy!



27 October 2011

this video is so cool! and this one as well... love the penguin bit:)

91 magazine


26 October 2011

New pretty online magazine with our house inside..thank you very much:) 91 magazine

Bodie & Fou catalogue


26 October 2011

 Bodie & Fou have recently published their first catalogue and if you have not seen it, please do. Very well done, I especially like how they included their personal photos, inspiration, moodboards and lovely styled photos.... Well done! like a lot:) you can request paper copy here

autumn decoration


25 October 2011

autumn decoration.008autumn decoration.009autumn decorationautumn decoration.011autumn decoration.013autumn decoration.012autumn decoration.014
A. has half term so I have been trying to come up with different projects for her, and one of them was to create a little autumn decoration. We did this leaf one together (last photo) couple of years ago ( it used to be our annual tradition with my sister when we were kids) but this year I wanted try something different. Very simple, you can use different colours or shapes. We used rowan red berries, paper and elastic transparent string ( not sure what's the correct name). Anya loved it and  only pricked her finger once at the end ( she is 3). 

how not to paint furniture


24 October 2011

grey cupboardgrey cupboardgrey cupboardgrey cupboardgrey cupboardgrey cupboardgrey cupboardgrey cupboard
After purchasing sideboard on Ebay and then finding out it's much darker then expected, basically dark orange instead of light oak, had also been damaged and scratched I decided to paint it grey. Me being impatient and indecisive ( after  looking at Farrow & Ball paint chart for 2 hours) I decided to mix paint myself. So base - white ( Farrow& Ball) and ivory ( Crown) + numerous amount of paint samples from F&B and Fired Earth. I simply mixed together all I had, it wasn't that simple:) and tadaa...not bad at all:) As the cabinet was already bashed quite a bit on edges I created sort of shabby chic look by sanding corners and left cracks and holes as there were. So after being conned and buying solid oak sideboard and ending up with orange soft wood cabinet  I'm very pleased with the result. What do you think? I also painted these silver candlesticks - matt black, much nicer. 

what are you wearing


21 October 2011

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this autumn? I normally stick to my uniform of navy, beige, white and black but this year I really enjoy wearing little pops of colour, especially in shoes. I bought red and mustard ones the other day, and love it...What about you? do you have a certain "uniform" or style which you stick to or are there any changes in your wardrobe this autumn? 

links for this weekend: 

pumpkin inspiration...for those who love to cook

loving these new wallpapers

how cool are these stickers? I like the flower and gold block one, great idea!

have a lovely weekend!

all photos from here

too early?


20 October 2011

to think about Christmas? sarah&bendrix

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