what are you wearing this spring?


30 April 2012

Yesterday I tried to persuade Anya (almost 4) that being cool is better then being just pretty. She was refusing to wear something I chose and was desperate to wear  a pink skirt which is becoming very small but still her very favourite. It was something like that:
me: "can you wear this please?"
A: "no I want to wear this pink skirt !" ( pulling out skirt which I hid at the bottom of her draw)
me: "come on, you wear this all the time... this is (pointing at skinny jeans and in my opinion very cool top) much better, it looks really cool!"
A: " but I don't want be cool! I want be pretty!"
me: " but being cool, it's better then just being pretty........blah blah...etc.

It's sometimes hard to fight with Barbie, even if the only one we have at home is on DVD and is a surfer...so sort of cool:)

all photos from here, layout and words  by me

great tune for sunday .....


29 April 2012

ready to cook?


28 April 2012

if I was getting married ...5.


28 April 2012

photos from : couple, blackboard, book-ring, brown boxes, paper bags, table setting, wedding invitations, heart picture, shoes, plates, wooden puzzle, paper bunting, paper roll, dress, stamp, thank you, ring ( sorry I can not find link for pictures: blackboard, table setting, thank you)

This time : Brown paper + black & white + wood + vintage + handmade. Aren't those shoes just divine?

lack of sleep


26 April 2012

Do you like to sleep ? I do. A lot. But since having A. and starting my own business I just can't get enough. Very late nights, early mornings, it's just killing me. I got used it  but every so often I wish I could stay in bed all day and read books, laze around and dream. But hey...having a child and business was my choice. Yesterday, while taking some new photos for my shop I decided to lighten up our bedroom a bit. Black and grey out, more white a bit of pink in. Now, what am I doing? I should really go to bed...sweet dreams.
photos by me

love for textiles


25 April 2012

Is a title of a book I have been  enjoying flicking through. It's full of relaxed, laid back styling and has beautiful summer feeling. Created for Ikea family it has loads of small fabric projects but mostly very pretty photos. art director - hans blomquist.

first anniversary - paper


24 April 2012

These have been the most popular anniversary gifts from our shop in last couple of weeks. Grey hearts for her and Favourite song book for him. We have made quite few of this one lately, the most popular choice is on charcoal background and with a black frame. I came across so many lovely lyrics and interesting song choices. I hope they make our customers happy. 

wish list


24 April 2012

These are some things I have been coveting lately...more on my wish list and link to these products here.
On a completely different note, on Friday we went with M. for dinner and before to see exhibition of Damien Hirts. This blog is not too much about exhibition reviews but lets say it was definitely a talking point for us that evening and and yes I agree with loads of the comments from here. If you are interested other article about him also here

blossoming spring


19 April 2012

I couldn't help to take few photos yesterday. I love this time of year....
photos by me

double g


18 April 2012

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Mixture of wonderful apartments from architecture & design company double g. That shelving! can I have it in my home?

other homes I like around web this week:

pretty spring styling


18 April 2012

Screen shot 2012-04-18 at 18.59.34Screen shot 2012-04-18 at 18.59.28
For Ikea Fotograf: Patric JohanssonStylist: Anna Mårselius

things that matter


17 April 2012

at my parents.074
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I love going back to my parents. It's always a reminder of things which really matter in life. Time spent together, time given to each other, simple things in life which really makes the difference and at the end of the day moments we will always remember. Anya spent the whole Easter break there this time, and I stayed at the beginning and the end of her trip. She loved it. Most of all, the time my parents gave her, making and doing things together. Every morning she played with my dad a game with a couple of plastic figurines from their old printers box. 3 tiny toys, 1.5 hour talking and playing, she din't need anything else. No toys, no TV, just the two them talking. 

facebook giveaway


17 April 2012

facebook giveaway
Head over to our facebook page to win both of these posters!

sissy + marley


16 April 2012

Very pretty nursery with striped ceiling from sissy + marley found here

can you help?


16 April 2012

Can you help please? we have sold out this poster last year, but since then we had loads of people asking for it. So we decided to change the font and colours a bit and make it again. BUT we can't decide what version to use. Can you help us to decide?

exploring art


15 April 2012

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Last week I went to pick A. up from my parents in Czech and spent couple of days in Prague with my sister. She lives just around the corner from museum of modern art DOX. I  enjoy taking A. to galleries, although some people might say it can't be  interesting for 4 year old, I think that even a little memory can form us and can effect how we think and live later in life. And I really like the gallery motto as well: 
"In an age when growing numbers of people tend to think dangerously alike, art´s capacity to suspend, even for a moment, our habitual ways of seeing may well prove to be of its greatest value. "

puerto vallarta wedding


13 April 2012


Sweet idea with that paper car and chest of drawers. Beautiful late afternoon on a beach, relaxed, full of happiness. To see loads of more photos and details click over here
all photos taken by Amanda Wilcher Photographers

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