Yesterday I tried to persuade Anya (almost 4) that being cool is better then being just pretty. She was refusing to wear something I chose and was desperate to wear a pink skirt which is becoming very small but still her very favourite. It was something like that:
me: "can you wear this please?"
A: "no I want to wear this pink skirt !" ( pulling out skirt which I hid at the bottom of her draw)
me: "come on, you wear this all the time... this is (pointing at skinny jeans and in my opinion very cool top) much better, it looks really cool!"
A: " but I don't want be cool! I want be pretty!"
me: " but being cool, it's better then just being pretty........blah blah...etc.
It's sometimes hard to fight with Barbie, even if the only one we have at home is on DVD and is a surfer...so sort of cool:)