Marina in NY


30 May 2012

Put a cat in a photo and I want to live there. Very simple. Plus being in NY and having those dining chairs and table would be a good addition as well. full house tour here.

if I was getting married ...7.


29 May 2012

This time surrounded with GOLD, and gold and more gold.....
all photos from here

katie & nathan


28 May 2012

Nikole from Herriot Grace started  a new series on her blog called for the love of pie. As you might have noticed from my posts I'm not a huge cook but its one of the things I would like to change this year. I tell myself its because of lack of time but honestly it's all about prioritising. 
First of the guest series on Nikole's blog is from Nathan & Katie Williams. They are couple behind Kinfolk Magazine and remind me very much my sister and her partner and also my friend Aud. In my eyes they are people who enjoy cooking (my sisters boyfriend is a wonderful baker:), live in smaller moments, and mainly have something very calm about them. I aspire that very much as I feel I'm constantly running somewhere, being impatient and restless. 
Head over here to find how to bake this apple pie. 
have a good day!
Kate & Nathan's personal blog.- hearblack

DIY book covers etc.


25 May 2012

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Couple of days ago I came across this great blog - paislee press and few things that caught my eye over that space was - DIY book covers and a book called Mini Masterpieces. 
When it comes to DIY book covers, I know that not many of us probably have time or energy to do it, but I think these simple b&w covers and ribbon labels looks really pretty. Perhaps just cover the "ugly" books? like dictionaries, or really colourful books? head over here if up to this project.
Mini masterpieces is a photo book or in this case with pictures of drawings and projects your child made. I know my daughter would love it and me too...definitely doing it when she gets a bit older and have more drawings. Wouldn't that be great gift for grandparents?

urban wedding


24 May 2012

Cool wedding from centre of Johannesburg, stunning photos & great industrial location.
the full story with loads of more photos here.
all photos by creative emporium.

today we baked


23 May 2012


Sun is out, it feels like summer, finally. We ate a full box of cherries with A. today and baked cherry muffins. 6 muffins + pint of milk + me + my daughter + 1/2 hour = nothing left. Shame on me, going for run in the morning....
photos by me

for little B.


23 May 2012

Yesterday I finished one of these for a little B. A lady ordered large little stars in grey for her newborn niece. With a date, time, weight and measurement written in hearts I think it makes a beautiful gift for new mums and would look lovely in a child nursery...

inspired weddings


22 May 2012

Is another book lying on a side of my bed. I enjoy flicking through the pages, reading ideas and tips. Beautiful book about wedding styling. Matthew Robbins picks certain object as a painting, french candy, a cup or shells and creates a theme based on colours and textures. There is 9 themes, and it tells you everything from who could it be for, when is the most suitable to use the theme, food tips and styling, table decoration. A must for a wedding stylist and someone who's planning to design their own wedding. Just really pretty! 

stylist's home


21 May 2012

Like any other stylist's home this house is full of vases, ornaments, cups and plates. But beautifully placed with limited colour background they create calm and cozy place to be. Love the chocolate brown with white, nice change to b&w.... full home tour here. 
photos by Lynn Kloythanomsup of Architectural Black 

have a nice sunday afternoon


20 May 2012

fletchers nursery


19 May 2012

Hello! we are back from Prague where M. ran marathon last weekend. We had a great time with our family and also made small progress on our house in countryside. Oh what a joy to deal with builders! Back to loads of work, which feels good, and today attending a wedding in typical English small village, hopefully the weather stays ok. But on a completely different note, this room belongs to Fletcher, whose mum used our You are simply wonderful poster in his new nursery. What a stylish place for a little boy. thank you! to see the more photos head over here.  the place was also featured here. 

today I like


10 May 2012

pretty things from patkas

If I was getting married ...6


6 May 2012

makes me happy


4 May 2012

have a great weekend!



3 May 2012

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bag, rings, tray, table, ring, purse, card, mug

I would happily own every single item...

kiss slowly


2 May 2012

Posters in blush pink, black and pebble grey now available in our shop.
photos & styling by me - veronika

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