Not sure if you remember couple of months ago Anya and I painted a large canvas, which is above our bed at the moment I love it a lot. This one was piece of my art for about 4 months, I repainted it about 5 times and in the end it just ended up all black. Oh artist frustration:)
I gave it to A. ( 4 years) and she made into alphabet. A- apple, B- butterfly, C- cat.....F- Frank (her granddad), M- Mark ( her dad), I - igloo.....unfortunately there wasn't enough space for me - V:)
I just love how kids creativity is so pure and without hesitation and doubts. Her hand is firm and decisive when she paints, not bothered about composition and colours just doing something she loves.
We have a lot of DIY project to finish this weekend and cooking a large dinner for friends.
Enjoy your one!