Happy Christmas


21 December 2012

Have a lovely time with your family and friends wherever you are.

It's snowing outside,  this music playing....bliss

have a wonderful time!


be kind


17 December 2012

be kind
Last couple of weeks has been extremely busy, if you're one our customers, thank you!...
how are you all?

photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Christmas baking


13 December 2012

Hi it is Petra here today.

I want to share a few pictures from yesterday's gingerbread baking and making of the cardboard stove for our friends children today. When I made ​​the first stove of Ikea paper box two years ago for Hugo to play in order to "cook" on the floor while I'm cooking dinner I did not expect that it will become his favorite toy and will the last to this day!
If you like the idea for your kids or as a gift for the children of friends, you can find inspiration here. It's really easy. For sticking the box I used black adhesive foil and for the description white gel pen. You can cut through the front of the box and have tilting door for inserting baking sheet. I did not cut the box, because it serves as a box for storing H. kitchen utensils and wicker basket for shopping. I might gave the paper stove supplemented with small spoons, apron, or baking set to all the children of our friends and always brought great joy. Wish you wonderful Christmas time.

+ one inspiration for you here
See you next week!
photos & styling by P.+V. Weiss

our home in NEET magazine


10 December 2012

I really like feature of our home in the latest NEET magazine. Thank you so much!

party time!


7 December 2012

This time of the year can be sometimes very stressful, so this weekend is party time!

with this music.....and while dancing like CH.W. try to look as cool as Paul Newman:)

have a great one!

photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

her heart was a secret garden....


6 December 2012

secret garden
Have a lovely evening with this music.....

photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

the last gift guide from us


5 December 2012

S&B 1
S&B 2
All items are available from our shop - sarah&bendrix. 

Last days for Christmas delivery:


posters + cards - 7th December
framed pictures: 12th December

UK: all items 14th December

Christmas paper decorations


4 December 2012

Hi, it is Petra here today.
A small Christmas tree drawing on a wrapping paper by my son has inspired me for creating more decorations and greeting cards over the weekend.
It is really easy. All you need is to cut out the shape of the trees and fish from the paper of your choice and you can create according to your own imagination. If you cut out different sized tree templates and bend them in the middle you can create forest. If you don't bend it you can have greeting cards and from the small ones name tags for gifts or on the Christmas table. When you decorate fish from both sides you can use them as pending decoration. Our “magical“ fish have scales from one side only. On the other one we will write wishes for our loved ones and friends. Wish you much joy in creating.

More inspiration here

See you next week!
photos & styling by P.+V. Weiss

being happy is productive


4 December 2012

being happy
We have been Christmassy busy so just a few lovely images for you with some nice music....

photos : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

gift guide 8 - for home


3 December 2012

gift guide 6 - for home 1
Hi there! how was your weekend? We went away to Oxford for friends birthday and stayed in a hotel made out of prison, I won't name it, and I don't usually comment or review hotels here, but I was disappointed. Maybe it was just our room, but not a great value for the price. Just my personal opinion.

But anyway...here is couple more picks from Etsy. I looove the table!

1. feather art  original drawing - $185 + shipping
2. constellations wall hanging - $85 + shipping
3. large blue bowl - $90 + shipping
4. metallic cushion - $65 + shipping
5. coffee table - $290 + shipping
6. tea towel - $26 + shipping

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