our catalogue for spring 2013


31 January 2013

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I had a few requests in past about a catalogue of our products. So here it is for this spring. All items are or soon will be available in our shop. I had great fun creating it.

forest friends


30 January 2013

Hi it is Petra here today.

We have planned with Hugo for long now that we create a home for paper animals from MiboStudio.
They lived temporarily in the "gamekeeper's house" paper house with a chimney, but came to us better to have a home in the woods.
Yesterday we embarked on a fold-out "forest book" from a cardboard box. After a few hours cutting and gluing arose folding forest set (the book is somewhat overblown expression :)) that can be used when playing by child's fantasy. Eventually we want to expand the book, maybe a page of forest animals tracks, learning about trees by leaves, or we add trees for owl and other birds.
More paper print and cut-out animals not only from the forest can be found here.

See you later!
photos & styling by P.+V. Weiss

for the little ones


29 January 2013

We have a new item in our shop. Bespoke Newborn or Christening framed picture. Similar item, favourite song one has become very popular, especially the one with dark grey background so we decided to add version for little ones.
It would be  a wonderful present for a newborn or his parents, to celebrate Christening or Baptism. You can use children poem, lullaby or  a short story. And add personalised message or name and date on the other side of the book.  It comes with 5 different backgrounds ( pale peach, pale duck egg, white, beige and grey) and white or black frame.
I enjoyed styling of the pictures a lot and had chance to use my wooden toys from Czech. Aren't they just cute?

simple but perfect


28 January 2013

I strongly believe that simple ideas are the best. But what makes them stand out are the thoughts behind and attention to details.
And this is perfect example. I had this article from Brooklyn Bride bookmarked for over a year now and might have shared with you some the photos already, but I keep going back to them and can't stop admiring the attention to details and the simple idea of the whole setting. People who decorated this afterparty used found recycled papers and wood. Everything is simply covered in white sheets of paper and with clever use of lighting it just looks so serene, sophisticated and classy. Amazing job.

Valentines day?


26 January 2013

Do you celebrate Valentines day? if yes do you buy something red and with hearts or something small & quirky? or you don't celebrate it at all?
Once a year I do like a bit of red, not one of my favourite colours, but I think after white cold winter is refreshing to see this bright and uplifting shade.
I took a few shots today for our shop and I hope you agree with me that red or hearts don't have to be cheesy but also simple and modern. And couple little details makes it even more special.

photos & styling by me + our shop
Je T'aime poster created by Audrey Walas for our shop. 

snow + sledging


24 January 2013

People in Uk are not used to snow and they like to moan, not that I don't sometimes, haha, but I enjoy snow a lot. When I was a kid we used to go skying every winter and snow was just a normal part of our lives. In England some schools close, people can't get to work, apparently, and it's more inconvenience then a natural  part of winter.
I love the crackling sound under my feet and how everything is white and calm. It's all melted now and I'm going through the photos we took last weekend. It was great fun...and yes that's me and A.

moodboards for next season


23 January 2013

I like creating mood boards. Perhaps it's a habit from my previous work or just an addiction to images (magazines, Pinterest) I admit,  I like to look at nice things.
For next spring and summer I'm thinking  of a bit green/blue, orange, and b&w....
Have you got any favourite spring or summer colours?

Moodboards created by me for our studio from random magazine and Pinterest images.

open house


22 January 2013

The Design Files Open House 2012 from The Design Files on Vimeo.

I enjoy this concept a lot and one day I would love to  be involved in something similar....

Je t'aime for ever.


18 January 2013

We have added couple new posters to our shop just in time for Valentines. Je t'aime for ever. - I love you for ever. And I think you are magic. This poster is very special almost like a secret message. It's created by blind letterpress and really you can only see it when you get closer. Like a little whisper to someone you love....
Both posters are letterpress printed in UK and you can buy them here.

photos + styling ... me

waiting for snow


18 January 2013

Hello there! Thank you all so much for your emails and comments to my last post. Your words made be very happy.....
After having a huge clear out at home and in my brain I feel ready to face another year and feeling very excited. We have been busy with loads of new products and project for our shop. Can't wait to show you. At home we are waiting for snow, specially A. and J., it should start snowing tomorrow and continue next week. They say hurray!
have a great weekend!

photo by me

HAPPY NEW YEAR + food for thoughts


6 January 2013

Hello there! I hope you had a lovely time over the last two weeks and feeling refreshed and full of energy into the new year. We came back after two weeks with my family, as usual it was wonderful  to be away, dining, drinking, talking and just to be together.
I have also done a lot of thinking over the last few weeks, tried to make few decisions about my work and hobbies. Every couple of months I feel I need to stop and think. I'm normally very impatient and do things very much straightaway without thinking and much consideration. I would like to think I get better as I get older but a not great deal. Like everyone else I feel I need to make a few changes at the beginning of every year, but this year rather then having some resolutions I have only a few goals or wishes.
Last January I wanted to do more exercise and cook more. I started running quite regularly the past year, cooking just tiny bit better than before. One of my "secret goals" this year was to simplify. Everything. I have periods of simplifying and then cluttering back my life but gradually I would like the former to be the main.

This year I would like to read and travel more, be calmer and don't rush things. What about you? Do you feel like changing anything?

One of my small changes will be this blog. I feel over the last three years since I started it's changed a lot. I started it as my project diary, interior design, then I wrote less about myself and mixed all sorts of things. I had issues with feeling too overexposed and publicly visible, wanted to be more anonymous and less personal. I slowly introduced other things as weddings, styling and fashion.

I would like to go back to things I enjoyed doing, taking more photos, creating and styling things, coming up with my own ideas and sharing them with you. Would that be ok with you?

I will be taking a short break from this space, maybe even moving it somewhere else and planning things carefully and with time.

In a meantime I would love if you could let me know what you enjoyed about this blog or if there something what would you like to see more. 

I'm still very much addicted to Pinterest where you can follow me to see what I like and I'll post regularly on Facebook with interesting links and updates on my work.

Once more Happy New Year everyone and see you soon!

image from here

Happy New Year 2013


2 January 2013

Wish you a lot of magical moments in 2013!

Petra, Vlad & Hugo

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