

30 April 2011

EF - Live The Language - Paris from Albin Holmqvist on Vimeo.



30 April 2011

EF - Live The Language - London from Albin Holmqvist on Vimeo.

soon in the shop


28 April 2011

New colours soon in my shop. Black, warm yellow and dusty pink. Large and small size, can be personalised with initials, names, places, messages. Pictures will be available after this weekend. Worldwide delivery 9 -14 days. Perfect present for weddings, anniversaries....
sarah & bendrix
by the way I had such a good fun taking the photos ..:)

around our home


27 April 2011

I finished some DIY projects this weekend. Wallpapered hallway, still needs a bit finishing, pictures, new carpet ( unfortunately I lost a battle to my husband:), no painted stairs). This weekend I painted an old cherry dressing table ( gold handles, reddy colour), two coats of silk black paint and DIY leather handles. It sits in my office....cozy inspirational corner. The table was in a shed for about 3 years, so finally it came to use. I have so many ideas for our house now, perhaps because it's spring, but please can I have 48 hour day? I think days are just too short:)
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I heart...


27 April 2011

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ruby's lounge

fat orange


27 April 2011

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beautiful photos, weddings, calligraphy, styling, and cute pets...fat orange cat studio

happy easter


21 April 2011




21 April 2011

Papier Mache - XOXO from papier mache magazine on Vimeo.



21 April 2011

I have been cycling a lot lately but I can only wish I look this good cycling in heels:). The second photo, wouldn't it be great for summer evenings? especially with beers from my home town...
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anna williams


20 April 2011

Beautiful portfolio of Anna Williams. Also wanted to say THANK YOU to Susan, who made my day:)
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design sponge selection


19 April 2011

Last weekend I bit more time to catch up on my favourite blogs and here is a selection, in my opinion, of the best from design sponge for the last two months. Mixture of different houses, all equally inspiring...put them together in one house and I move in. Today is another beautiful day, can't get enough of this weather. Working from my upstairs studio, looking out to the garden and listening soundtrack from this film. have a great day!
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all images design sponge

another one...


18 April 2011



18 April 2011



15 April 2011

Have you heard of HUB? if you don't have or don't want your office at home or your business is not big enough to rent large office space, you can use one of these. Hub is now in 25 cities, you can hot desk or have a meeting there. Like the idea very much. Especially if the place looks like this one in Madrid. 
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I have been busy working on new products for Sarah & Bendrix with her. Can't wait to show you! have a lovely weekend everyone...

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