There has been a big interest in our last year advent calendar and it's was also featured on a few blogs lately, thank you very much for that! I made one from envelopes, you
can see it here. I'm not sure what I do this year yet, maybe I will just dust off the one from last year. But if you are still on inspiration hunt for unique advent calendar here is a small line up.
You can use paper, fabric bags, paper boxes, tins, envelopes and even toilet paper rolls. And what to put inside? The usual chocolate, small gifts, books, cosmetics, sweets, lego, and even saw somewhere love letters ( for every day, imagine that!)
I do like the idea of wine bottles, but not sure how long I could manage, I think I would be really worn down by mid of December.
If you are not into all this but still want to celebrate time before Christmas you can lit a candle every day.....
Will you be making one this year?
All ideas and much more in my
Christmas board on Pinterest