

21 July 2011

holiday 1.

We got back couple of days ago and had a wonderful time at my parents country house. First open fire for Anya, walk in a forest, playing with my old dolls ( not me, only a bit:) lunches in the garden, sleep, sun, time with my family.
We are back only for couple of days ( I worked 17 hours yesterday to catch up :)) and are leaving to Spain on Saturday. This time with M. side of family. Hope you are having good week and here are  some interesting links for you.

absolutely wonderful and so very inspiring project - the makers, I spend about an hour there, if you love looking at others people work spaces, the perfume and whisky and flower and.....story...
( thank you Ines)

this feather lampshade

I wish a had time to do this manicure ( I mean it in a nice way, lovely)

I have been enjoying their blog a lot  and this video is so cool!

what a cute photo

yummy dress

great poster on my wish list

a song which A. loves, me too...




11 July 2011

james merrelljames merrelljames merrelljames merrelljames merrelljames merrelljames merrelljames merrelljames merrelljames merrell

We are off to stay with my parents, spend some time with family and back next week, have a good one!

and here are some interesting links

wow what a cake...

love this earring organizer

want to draw? 

this chair so easy to do and so effective

her posts are getting better and better and can't wait to see the house...

this iced tea looks yummy and what a good idea

great kids clothes and lovely website

just cute, cute and cute

I predict this to be very popular

and all the amazing photos by james merrel



8 July 2011

 have a great weekend!
Lavish NaturewhydoihavesomanycanvasPY11relaxing in my tipi
none of these images are mine please click to see the source

work in progress


5 July 2011

I moved to another room. Decorating. Old wallpaper and picture rail went down, lovely plaster uncovered. I'm planning to change blinds, paint walls, probably quite dark colour and maybe leave bare plaster behind our bed? what do you think? The wall with drawings on will be painted, some of them were there before, and Anya really enjoys adding more. I'm in no rush decorating, quite enjoy the room as it is now and thinking about creating dark cozy bedroom...
work in progress.003work in progress.005work in progress.004work in progress.006work in progress.007

a love story & india


3 July 2011

just fell in love


1 July 2011

with this guy...thank you goes to here, have a great weekend...

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