Australian Interior Design Awards

24 March 2012


I just spent about an hour admiring all these houses with huge amount of space and light. If all the houses in Australia look like this M. doesn't have to persuade me of moving there for too much longer...just kidding! If you follow me on pinterest you could see the photos flooding into my board, no seriously there is so much more to see where this came from....all house on these photos have been selected for Australian Interior Design Awards. Head over there for more inspiration but I warned you!


  1. They are very gorgeous homes... My sis in law just visited us from the uk and was too commenting on how much space and easy living we have here. I also turned on the hospitality to add to the allure of getting her to move to Melbourne!!!

  2. Hi, these are the things we've been doing in our business. Such kind of astounding beauty with a touch of surreal simplicity is the main reason why I choose to be an interior designer. I love the my profession with passion. I hope will get to meet in Pinterest.


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